WorldSkills Conference 2019Skills for Change:Building Blocks for Impact
23-24 August 2019 in Kazan, Russia
2019 marked the biggest WorldSkills Conference to date, attracting over 1000 educators, ministers, government officials, leaders of business and industry, and youth. Debate focused on the challenges and risks posed by seismic shifts taking place in the world of work, and the need to create green jobs and green skills that tackle the pressing issue of climate change.
The Programme 2019
See all sessions
The programme, which was developed under the strategic leadership of the WorldSkills Conference Coalition, discussed first the challenges, and megatrends, that we face in our societies throughout the world. These ranged from the negative like economic shocks and climate change, to the positive like technological transformation. The subsequent session examined the solutions and advantages that skills offer to these megatrends, in the context of the fourth Industrial Revolution and climate change, and how skills will be integral to a better future for us all.
Day 1
23 August 2019
Powerful forces are shaping our world. Will we rise to the challenges of climate change, new technologies, and globalisation by harnessing skills to unlock our full potential?
Day 2
24 August 2019
Throughout history, skilled individuals have always played a powerful role in the service of humanity. With an uncertain future will highly trained and educated young people continue to prove that skills change lives?
Take a look at the three tracks that built the conference
Skills for evolving economies
This track discussed young people’s ability to stay agile in the face of uncertainty and using their skills to create a more productive, competitive, and inclusive economy.
Roadmaps to thriving societies
Here, we explored how skills can build a world where happy, tolerant, and equal global citizens coexist and collaborate through skills-based solutions.
Towards self-sustaining ecosystems
Throughout this track, participants explored ways to train the next generation for “green collar jobs” that will, in turn, translate to a greener and more circular economy.
More to be announced
Abigail Fulton
Vice President, Skills Canada BC
Kelly Betts
Skills Canada BC, Former President
Maxim Voloshin
CEO, Codewards
Carl Frey
Oxford Martin Programme on Technology and Employment, Oxford
Kehkashan Basu
Founder, Green Hope Foundation
Mwila Kangwa
CEO, AgriPredict
Tatyana Terentyeva
Chief Human Resources Officer, Rosatom
Amelia Addis
Regional Representative for ASEAN/Oceania, WS Champions Trust
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Sergei Krikalev
Cosmonaut and executive director, Roscosmos State Corporation
Laurence Gates
Board member, WorldSkills International
Jacqueline Tanzer
Regional Representative for Europe, WS Champions Trust
Manish Kumar
Managing Director, CEO, National Skill Development Corporation India
Cesare Onestini
Director, European Training Foundation
Jayshree Seth
Corporate Scientist and Chief Science Advocate, 3M
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