BIBB Symposium:
"Digital Media - Analogue Realities"
Mobile Training in distributed workplace environments - Smart Home and Smart GRID - Artisanry in High-Technology Areas
Organizer: Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB) in co-operation with the Elektro Technologie Zentrum (etz) Stuttgart
Date: Thursday, 4 July
During WorldSkills Leipzig 2013, BIBB held its 3rd Symposium "Digital Media – Analogue Realities". It put modern artisanry work environments up for discussion working on the example of IT-induced customer service in its diverse facets, e.g. in Electronics and Information Technology. Key words like Smart Home, Smart Metering, and Smart Grid mark a technological melding between Information Technology and Energy Flow for providing the necessary functionalities via an efficient energy mix.
*Please note: conference language is German. The symposium takes place at the Training Center Borsdorf by the Chamber of Skilled Crafts Leipzig.