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The Dutch way: VET in the Triple Helix


in Opal II

The Dutch VET system ranks as one of the very successful ones worldwide, with excellent labour market perspectives for its graduates. A key element of this success is the close cooperation between VET providers, industry in the national and regional triple helix. Paul Oomens, director of the MBO Raad, will take participants further on this road and explain how these stakeholders work together in practice. High on the Dutch agenda are topics like lifelong learning/development, and the balance between excellence and inclusion. After a visual presentation of essential characteristics of the Dutch system, Simon Field, Director of Skills Policy and previously an OECD project leader on country reviews on VET and adult learning, will review the Dutch system: are we really prepared for the challenges ahead? His assessment will kick of an active discussion with the participants about strong and weak points and transferability to other VET systems.


Simon Field

Director of Skills Policy

Paul Oomens

Director, Netherlands Association of VET Colleges

Manfred Polzin

Senior Policy Advisor on International Affairs, MBO Raad